♥ Friday, March 31, 2006
im very traumatised by the fact that the IT school has to report to sch at 8am, whereas the other schools only have to report at 8.30am. 
any explainations like why is it so? issit IT sch have to clean up the sch compound first?! 

but ok nth changes the ironic fact.. i hope i can wake up on time..
no matter what i must try to twist and turn my slping routine.
these few days ive been waking up at 4pm. sigh. i better not toss arnd in bed anymore wasting time.
HAHAHA. so yamashita is someone who believes in chain letters..
* There are about 20 mails per day, almost all to friends at school and Jrs. "What are you doing now?" They're always these type of exchanges but a while ago there was a guy who sent me pictures of Sadako in the 'Ring'. "Don't send such scary pictures in the middle of the night!" I turned off my cell phone and immediately deleted the picture. Before then I sent the same message to three different friends. Because I got the 'You will be cursed if you don't send this to X people.' message. Those who received it, sorry.
hahahaha! toma is quite a busybody...
Apparently two girls were talking about 'Yamashita' on the train and someone turned around to look at them and who does it turn out to be? None other than our lovely Toma~! So Toma gave them his autograph and missed his stop.
kattun are big bullies and i bet ryo and teshi have this imitate linking!
Ryo-chan: I really do love Tegoshi? If he weren't around, I would have quit NEWS and just stayed in Kanjani8.
Ryo-chan: He is so adorable, I can't help it?? When we had Summary, I got very worried, I thought, "Is he going to get bullied by KAT-TUN?"
HAHAHA JUNNOSUKE IS A NEGATIVE ION. the whole story bout yokoyama kidnapping him is simply too funny. and junno u are so obedient!
Yoko: Well, you know how you have a way of putting those around you at ease? That's why, before I go to sleep, I was hoping that you'll keep me company and talk with me. Don't you know how it feels when you go over to someone's house and you talk for hours and before you know it, you've fallen asleep?
*Uchi-kun's comment in Myojo when he won: NEWS's Best Kisser!!*
Uchi: Yup, how did you guys know? If I found someone that I really like, I'm going to kiss her all the time. When she wakes up, I'll kiss her. Before she goes to sleep, I'll kiss her. I won't stop kissing her until she tells me to stop (laughing).
the chocolate story about ryo and teshi is quite funny also.. but its too long to be pasted here.i think ryo loves teshi alot, maybe even more than uchi.. eh no no i think its different kind of love.. hahaha.. ryo dotes on teshi!
Money and Time, which is more important?
Yamashita: Time
Koyama: Time
Nishikido: Time
Kato: Time
Kusano: Money 
Masuda: Both are important. It’ll be nice to have.
Tegoshi: Time (Time can’t be bought.)
(kusano u money face! see lah now u have loads of spare time but no income!)
Best 3 names for your kids.
Yamashita: ?夢 (Kurumi, Kurume, Raimu)
Koyama: Takeshi, 伊織 (Iori), Haru
Nishikido: 亮子 (Ryouko), 亮太 (Ryouta), 成亮 (Seisuke, Shigeaki)
Kato: 亮 (Ryo), 伊織 (Iori), 太陽 (Taiyou)
Kusano: Steve, Stepho, Stephon
Masuda: 一? (Ichiju, Kazutoshi, Kazuhisa, Kazuyoshi),耕太 (Kouta),久米 (Kume, Kurume, Kunme, Kumesen)
Tegoshi: According to my wife’s name. Take one character from each of our names.
(ok i dunno why but when i came to kusano's ans i laughed. maybe its too asian-ed.. and obviously ryo-chan is too in love with himself..)
Nishikido or Kato?
Yamashita: (Sumimasen) Nishikido Koyama: Shigeaki
Nishikido: Of course Nishikido.
Kato: Nishikido
Kusano: Nishikido
Masuda: Both
Tegoshi: Ryotan (Helen: Respect your elders, Tego. Ryotan should be reserved for Umipig.)

HIMSELF!) massu is giving a politically correct answer. haha.
i think i will choose ryo-chan too! xP
i shall carry on reading the entertainments myself. haha.
watched tbc's new advertisement by shit.
yamashit: "When every day is pleasant the mind and the body become beautiful"
true yet tough.
ok he look quite good in the new advert..
♥ Thursday, March 30, 2006
basically what i want to say now is.....
i love kanjani8's F.T.O album more now!
i used to think the songs are not so nice compared to kattun's...
but after hearing them sing a few on music fighter.. i think its quite nice!
like F.T.O is one nice song... hahaha.. funky town osaka.. the dance is v funny also!
yoko got neater hair alr.. and his highlights are nice..
whereas maru needs trimming of his hair..
ohkura is so much better looking now..
murakami is also better looking alr..
yassan hair is like bush pls.. cover the whole face pls..
subaru's hair like jin's last time one lah! nv wipe dry after bathing!
ryo's still the same.. not much difference.. only abit in the fringe length i think..
i think kjn8 is very entertaining! i
. LOL. 
omg i cnt believe yamashita wrote all those kind of nonsense in his blog entry!
too much! but that regent hair style part was damn funny!!
he was trying to be mean but funny at the same time lah! and he did it successfully..
and the part where he say bout the concert..
he say during the concert the part when the MC was talking..
there this big insect flew towards them.. and massu's reaction was bombastically big!
he ran after it.. (ok i can imagine how stupid massu looked.) and "BANG!"(JJ-express's way.. HAHA!) he smashed it down.
omg damn crude lah this massu. but its still damn funny..
gerry next time perform this stunt for us ok. i wanna see it live. hahaha!
normally i'll just scan through his entries because some were quite boring.
but till u find the very interesting parts! u will think yamashita is a clown too!
huiyi and pf. rmb the part i told u all bout the raining and not suppose to carry brolly matter?
what cnt be defeated by the weather. omg. this shit is really getting out of hand.
if everybody thinks this way like him, den brollies are not going to sell!
and he wrote down the lyrics and shige composed the melody for the new song.
ok sounds damn interesting.
and theres this part he blogged down saying all 5 other members are sort of commenting bad bout koyamama. 5 against 1. and he says koyamama dint retaliate. ok pls lah. retaliate also will lose pls!
ok kaixiang recommended me to use cetaphil since i have dry skill.
like wow. so this baboon over here reads my blog.
so why doesnt he tags even when i scolded him alot here. hahaha.
i think the way kattun speaks chinese is very cute, or rather not kattun its kopi..... i meant koki..
i cnt stand their real face performance at music fighter.
i dunno why but i just have to notice those 4 other members at the back.
they are enjoying all by themselves.. in their own world.. get what i mean?
they are moving arnd damn freely and shaking damn stupidly acting as the back drop..
especially koki and junno.. too much..
why is junno alwaes so worked up? he must have eaten esctacy before performances!
he alwaes exerts the most force and energy! he must be the most hardworking one!
and during the talk. i can sense junno's humor pls. his seems so cute saying gambatte.
and sam pls explain to me why the cameraman will shoot kazuya or jin at the 'TSK' part?
issit none other than this two does the TSK?
and why alwaes the chorus they will shoot either jin or kazuya?
its not only music fighter im talking about.. its all the performances i see! they are shooting jin or/and kazuya at that chorus part!
thinking of ppl saying koki is from exile i think its damn funny lah k.
i think i know why love or like is not in their album alr pls. must be because got obscene lyrics again. hahaha.. love or like.. TULULULULULU. piss jin pls.

ok anyway i think this photo is v nice. ok lah. especially jin.
his jacket is uber nice k.
sayaendou is first in music fighter. ok how sad to see the pv again.
and the photos for the singles are real bad. shige and massu are really v small in the photos.. haha its alwaes in the sequence of sizes like that.
- shit
- ryo
- koyamama
- teshi
- massu/shige
- shige/massu
hahahaha. uds?
ok something from johnny's net.

(click to enlarge)
tell me if it a typo or they are trying to be funny or its really spelt liddat.
all along i thought its yuya tegoshi and keichiro koyama.
but instead it writes yuUya tegoshi and keiIchiro koyama.
so what are the extra U and I for? trying to show YOU AND I HUH. ok not funny.

i find this photo damn cool.
photobucket supports videos too.. but must be damn small sizes one lah.
oh yah. i read smbody's blog today.
how old is he already? issit he nv go through primary or sec?
why is his english so damn GOOD?
the verbs/nouns/adverbs/adjectives or whatever he use is so wrong wrong wrong!
damn act smart ; small aleck lah.
geh gao geh kiang. everything bout him is so fake.
faking bout this infront of everybody.
den doing another thing infront of us. saying all the nasty stuffs..
den now act until so kind. wah lao. PUKE. cnt stand this kind of plastic ppl. sigh.
i feel sad for him. really sad.
and he better not be directing those stuffs at us. if not will really want to scold him.
because we did not provoke him anymore.
ok lah we did that in the past lah. but out of pure fun what.
so petty then say it in the first place lah.
but i think we will still irritate im despite knowing hes petty.
ok so make no difference.
clubbox is really giving me headache. but the downloads from there are great.
sat's that bitch's birthday.
ok still deciding which restaurant to patronise.
sakura sakura ok zhang shan wei's shop is out of the way.
pariss is too far.. its in paris.. OK NOT FUNNY
stonegrill are for workaholics. i dont wanna cook myself; i cant cook.
any other recommendations? hahaha.
we are choosy ppl.
♥ Wednesday, March 29, 2006
i can conclude the main cause of dryness in me is not because deficiency of water.
im already like a water bucket, i drink tons of water. (OK IM EXAGGERATING.)
but the water in me seems to be digesting way too fast that once i drink two full mouths of water i will visit the toilet.
i think the cause is already fixed in me since young, the huge dosage of medicine, be it on the skin or for feeding.
now even small heat can cause alot of itchiness in me. HAHAHA. ppl whom see it in real life that day in science lab during experiments will know lah.
oh no. why am i saying all this kind of nonsense. u ppl are not doctors anyway. SIGH.
my god. im been figuring clubbox out from the late afternoon till just now pls.
too much to dl and i think seedings are better in the day.
i love shows with chi subs!
xiao zhu called out to kunda in yu bai today.
im trying to dl it now but it seems v slow and i cnt get to the link given in yg.
once i switched on my tv this afternoon, i saw ahya searching for ppl in supersunday.
the minute i see her i knew its energy's episode, without her even saying anything bout eg pls.
see hw good my memory can be on such nonsensical stuffs.
new song again. xP
v6's feel your breeze.
mum gave me $30 today to get CDS.
luckily i dont need to dig my own pockets.
im almost done with magician episode 7.
off to finish it off. bubbye.
♥ Monday, March 27, 2006
i've been uber efficient just now, i finished class episode 17 already. like since when i became so enthusiastic over that show, all because my sis forced me to watch it with her!
anyway that show is getting more n more senseless and moronic..
but its still not as boring as before, reason is because theres this gorilla or monkey or chimpanzee. ok i dunno it belong to which type. but with her appearance, the whole show brightens up! and i can openly laugh at yi ru alr! ok like since when i dont do that.
i'll be looking forward to magician 7 and ai sha 6.. this two shows are very nice too.
i think summary is really quite dull although i haven watch it yet. but with all the flying around the stage and all, all im looking forward to it naniwa iroha bushi. damn cute lah. and the part where they thanked the audience,
damn creative. i love kusano's overhead flip! and koyamama's gambatte nippon action!
im still pondering over whether to get that pink heels anot, a lill ex though.
and i feel like getting new cosmetics like blusher and eye shadow! but i have them already. so i might as well discard the idea.
so anyway! jiaying and pohgek! when are we meeting up again? it has been quite long already right?
oh yah! forgot to mention i saw HER that day. hahaha! jiaying to think i recognise that person! you know who? the one whom ur whoever likes! hahaha.. shes not as great in real compared to photos!
those photos from jingwen are damn funny pls. i kept laughing while showing them to my sister.
- jun touching brow's action.
- kat-tun with new member.
- kusano yawning and look super ugly.
- kame, damn good looking but forgot to take off his pin after he bathe and with nakamaru.
- kusano falling asleep on train, oblivious to others. (got the -i.wont.give.up.my.seat.to.eldery.look-)
- shit giving stares at ppl who took his photo.
- teppei being an old shagged uncle.
- ryo and uchi damn cute photo! and with huiyi's fave subaru behind! (i like this pic alot!)
- tackey ANDO tsubusa. tsubasa look v suave and tackey is v good looking, even though its only a side view.
- kusano with shopping bags..
- kame on the road. i think he looks extremnly good looking there.
- kame when young, ok v ugly.
- ueda, kusano and ryo's young photo. (anyway huiyi i think ryo's photo is quite similar to yours, as in its tilted to the side too! his sch must have used computer to take that photo also! hahaha as if)
- jin's photo with half of his face covered and a big paper bag. not bad looking still.
- uchi's using hp pic. looking happy laughing away..
im going to watch boss 35 now. wow, i really catching up with the show real fast pls.. anyway im off to watch kawaii neh 0.6 alr. HAHAHA.